What does it mean to learn with Web 2.0?

 “Web 2.0 is not about technology, and neither is e-Learning 2.0. The human element is what makes the new Web work” (Schlenker, 2008).

This sentiment pretty much sums up my interest in these technologies. Specifically, I am vested in the pedagogical uses for Web 2.0 tools and exploring best practice strategies for creating learner centered content.

There is an enormous potential in people from all over the world coming together to create, share, discover content. Web 2.0 tools offer opportunities for enhanced education, communication, and content delivery. These tools can support a variety of learning through text, image, video, audio, mapping, and digital storytelling (just to name a few). One of the most exciting things about Web 2.0 is the continuous change and adaption of technologies shaped by users coming from a wide variety of backgrounds, education, and economies.

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EnterBower, M. (2015). A typology of web 2.0 learning technologies.  Macquarie University, Australia. Retrieved from https://net.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/csd6280.pdf


So what does it mean to learn with Web 2.0? Generally speaking, learning through web technologies is an informal learning process, a more self-reliant road to discovery that can be both self-empowering and self-directed. These tools provide a vehicle that drives user-generated content to meet learning needs.